Developer Guide =============== * **Repository**: ` `_ * **Bibliography**: ` `_ Development environment ----------------------- Use `tox`_ to `prepare virtual environments for development`_. .. _prepare virtual environments for development:> .. _tox: To set up a **Python 2.7** environment in ``.devenv27``, run:: $ tox -e devenv27 To set up a **Python 3.4** environment in ``.devenv34``, run:: $ tox -e devenv34 Add `requirements`_ for the development environments to the `requirements-dev.txt `_ file. .. _requirements: Packaging --------- This package uses `setuptools`_. .. _setuptools: Run :: $ python sdist or :: $ python bdist to build a source or binary distribution. Complete Git Integration ------------------------ The package is maintained in a git repository. The setuptools script ```` uses the information of tags to infer the version of your project with the help of `setuptools_scm `_. To use this feature you need to tag with the format ``MAJOR.MINOR[.PATCH]`` , e.g. ``0.0.1`` or ``0.1``. Run ``python --version`` to retrieve the current `PEP440 `_-compliant version. This version will be used when building a package and is also accessible through ``simoa.__version__``. Unleash the power of Git by using its `pre-commit hooks `_. Make sure pre-commit is installed, e.g. ``pip install pre-commit``, then just run ``pre-commit install``. Sphinx Documentation -------------------- This project follows the `NumPy documentation style `_. Build the documentation with:: $ tox -e docs Add `requirements`_ for building the documentation to the `requirements-doc.txt `_ file. .. _requirements: Uploading documentation to GitHub pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run:: $ ghp-import -n -p docs/_build/html or:: $ doit upload_doc to upload the built HTML documentation to GitHub pages. Continuous documentation building --------------------------------- For continuously building the documentation during development, run:: $ tox -e cdocs Unittest & Coverage ------------------- Run :: $ tox -e py27 or:: $ tox -e py34 to run all unittests defined in the subfolder ``test`` with the help of `tox`_ and `py.test`_. .. _py.test: The py.test plugin `pytest-cov`_ is used to automatically generate a coverage report. .. _pytest-cov: Continuous testing ------------------ For continuous testing in a **Python 2.7** environment, run:: $ tox -e c27 For continuous testing in a **Python 3.4** environment, run:: $ tox -e c34 Requirements Management ----------------------- Add `requirements`_ to the `requirements.txt `_ file which will be automatically used by ````. Bibliography ------------ A `CiteULike group`_ manages the bibliography. .. _CiteULike group: To download the bibliography, run :: $ doit download_bib