Source code for simoa.nskart

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division

import logging
import math
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
from simoa.stats import von_neumann_ratio_test

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# check python 3
if not (3 / 2 == 1.5):
    raise RuntimeError

ONE_SIGMA = scipy.stats.norm().cdf(1) - scipy.stats.norm().cdf(-1)

""" Minimum number of data points """

    'nonspaced batch means randomness test passed'
    'spaced batch means randomness test passed'
NSKART_INSUFFICIENT_DATA_KEY = "insufficient data"
NSKART_SAMPLE_LAG1_CORR = r"\hat{\varphi}_{Y(m)}"
NSKART_BATCHED_GRAND_MEAN_KEY = r"\bar{Y}(m,k'',d')"
NSKART_BATCHED_SKEW_KEY = r"\hat{\mathcal{B}}_{m,k''}"

[docs]class NSkartException(BaseException): pass
[docs]class NSkartInsufficientDataError(NSkartException, RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class NSkartTooFewValues(NSkartException, ValueError): pass
NSkartReturnValue = namedtuple( 'NSkartReturnValue', ['mean', 'ci', 'env'] )
[docs]def compute_nskart_interval( data, confidence_level=ONE_SIGMA, continue_insufficient_data=False ): """ Compute the confidence interval for the steady-state mean Implements the N-Skart algorithm, "a nonsequential procedure designed to deliver a confidence interval for the steady-state mean of a simulation output process when the user supplies a single simulation-generated time series of arbitrary size and specifies the required coverage probability for a confidence interval based on that data set." Notes ----- "N-Skart is a variant of the method of batch means that exploits separate adjustments to the half-length of the CI so as to account for the effects on the distribution of the underlying Student’s t-statistic that arise from skewness (nonnormality) and autocorrelation of the batch means. If the sample size is sufficiently large, then N-Skart delivers not only a CI but also a point estimator for the steady-state mean that is approximately free of initialization bias." References ---------- .. [1] Tafazzoli, A.; Steiger, N.M.; Wilson, J.R., "N-Skart: A Nonsequential Skewness- and Autoregression-Adjusted Batch-Means Procedure for Simulation Analysis," Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on , vol.56, no.2, pp.254,264, 2011 doi: 10.1109/TAC.2010.2052137 """ # STEPS 1 -- 4 env = _get_independent_data(data, continue_insufficient_data) # STEP 5a env = _step_5a(env) # STEP 5b env = _step_5b(env) # STEP 6 env = _step_6(env) # STEP 7 env = _step_7(env, confidence_level) return NSkartReturnValue( mean=env[NSKART_GRAND_AVERAGE_KEY], ci=env['CI'], env=env, )
def _get_independent_data(data, continue_insufficient_data=False): # STEP 1 env = _step_1(data) while True: # STEP 2 env = _step_2(env) # STEP 3 # STEP 3a env = _step_3a(env) if env[NSKART_NONSPACED_RANDOMNESS_TEST_KEY]: # randomness test passed (failed-to-reject) return env # randomness test failed (independence hypothesis rejected) while env["d"] < env["d^*"]: # STEP 3b/d env = _step_3bd(env) # STEP 3c env = _step_3c(env) if env[NSKART_SPACED_RANDOMNESS_TEST_KEY]: # randomness test passed (failed-to-reject) return env # Continue with Step 3b/d continue # STEP 4 env = _step_4(env, continue_insufficient_data) if NSKART_INSUFFICIENT_DATA_KEY in env: return env # continue with Step 2 continue raise RuntimeError def _compute_nonspaced_batch_means(env): return ( env['X_i'] [:env['m'] * env['k']] .reshape((env['k'], env['m'])) .mean(axis=1) ) def _step_1(data): """ Perform step 1 of the N-Skart algorithm Employs the `logging` module for output. Parameters ---------- data: array-like Simulation output series """'N-Skart step 1') # initialize persistent environment for the algorithm env = dict() env['X_i'] = data env['N'] = data.size logger.debug('N = {}'.format(env['N'])) if env['N'] < NSKART_MIN_DATA_POINTS: raise NSkartTooFewValues( 'Need {} values, got {}.'.format(NSKART_MIN_DATA_POINTS, env['N']) ) # From the given sample data set of size N, compute the sample skewness of # the last 80% of the observations. # Skewness is defined as in the scipy function here, as # G_1 = \frac{n^2}{(n-1)(n-2)} \frac{m_3}{s^3} sample_skewness = scipy.stats.skew( env['X_i'][math.floor(env['N'] / 5):], bias=False ) logger.debug( 'Sample skewness of the last 80% of the observations: {:.2f}' .format(sample_skewness) ) # set initial batch size env['m'] = ( 1 if np.abs(sample_skewness) <= 4.0 else min(16, math.floor(env['N'] / 1280)) ) logger.debug( 'Initial batch size: m = {}'.format(env['m']) ) # set current number of batches in a spacer env['d'] = NSKART_INITIAL_NUMBER_OF_BATCHES_IN_SPACER # set maximum number of batches allowed in a spacer env['d^*'] = NSKART_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_BATCHES_IN_SPACER # set nonspaced (adjacent) batch number env['k'] = NSKART_INITIAL_BATCH_NUMBER # set randomness test significance level env[NSKART_RANDOMNESS_TEST_SIGNIFICANCE_KEY] = ( NSKART_RANDOMNESS_TEST_SIGNIFICANCE ) # initialize randomness test counter env['b'] = 0 # initially processed sample size env['n'] = env['k'] * env['m'] # Having set an appropriate value for the initial batch size, # N-Skart uses the initial n = 1280m observations of the # overall sample of size N to compute k = 1280 nonspaced # (adjacent) batches of size m with an initial spacer consisting of # d ← 0 ignored batches preceding each “spaced” batch. env['Y_j(m)'] = _compute_nonspaced_batch_means(env) logger.debug('Post-step 1 environment: {}'.format(env))'Finish step 1') return env def _step_2(env): """ Perform step 2 of the N-Skart algorithm Parameters ---------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) Returns ------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) """ yjs_sample_skewness = scipy.stats.skew( env['Y_j(m)'][math.ceil(0.8 * env['k']):], bias=False ) logger.debug(( 'Sample skewness of the last 80% of the current set of nonspaced batch' ' means: {:.2f}' ).format(yjs_sample_skewness) ) if abs(yjs_sample_skewness) > 0.5: # reset the maximum number of batches per spacer env['d^*'] = NSKART_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_BATCHES_IN_SPACER_SKEWED logger.debug( 'Reset the maximum number of batches per spacer to {}'.format( env['d^*'] ) ) logger.debug('Post-step 2 environment: {}'.format(env))'Finish step 2') return env def _step_3a(env): """ Perform step 3a of the N-Skart algorithm Parameters ---------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) Returns ------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) """'N-Skart step 3a') env[NSKART_NONSPACED_RANDOMNESS_TEST_KEY] = ( von_neumann_ratio_test( data=env['Y_j(m)'], alpha=env[NSKART_RANDOMNESS_TEST_SIGNIFICANCE_KEY] ) ) if env[NSKART_NONSPACED_RANDOMNESS_TEST_KEY]: env["k'"] = env['k'] logger.debug( 'Randomness test for nonspaced batch means {}ed'.format( 'pass' if env[NSKART_NONSPACED_RANDOMNESS_TEST_KEY] else 'fail' ) ) logger.debug('Post-step 3a environment: {}'.format(env))'Finish step 3a') return env def _step_3bd(env): """ Perform step 3b/d of the N-Skart algorithm Parameters ---------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) Returns ------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) """'N-Skart step 3b/d') # add another ignored batch to each spacer env['d'] += 1 logger.debug('Add another ignored batch to each spacer: d = {}'.format( env['d'] )) # number of spaced batches env["k'"] = math.floor(env['n'] / (env['d'] + 1) / env['m']) logger.debug("Number of spaced batches: k' = {}".format(env["k'"])) # compute spaced batch means env['Y_j(m,d)'] = env['Y_j(m)'][env['d']::env['d'] + 1] logger.debug('Post-step 3b/d environment: {}'.format(env))'Finish step 3b/d') return env def _step_3c(env): """ Perform step 3c of the N-Skart algorithm Parameters ---------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) Returns ------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) """'N-Skart step 3c') env[NSKART_SPACED_RANDOMNESS_TEST_KEY] = ( von_neumann_ratio_test( data=env['Y_j(m,d)'], alpha=env[NSKART_RANDOMNESS_TEST_SIGNIFICANCE_KEY] ) ) logger.debug( 'Randomness test for spaced batch means {}ed'.format( 'pass' if env[NSKART_SPACED_RANDOMNESS_TEST_KEY] else 'fail' ) ) logger.debug('Post-step 3c environment: {}'.format(env))'Finish step 3c') return env def _step_4(env, continue_insufficient_data=False): """ Perform step 4 of the N-Skart algorithm Parameters ---------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) Returns ------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) """'N-Skart step 4') # tentative new batch size new_m = math.ceil(math.sqrt(2) * env['m']) # tentative new total batch count new_k = math.ceil(0.9 * env['k']) # tentative new processed sample size new_n = new_k * new_m if new_n <= env['N']: # update batch size env['m'] = new_m logger.debug('Update batch size: m = {}'.format(env['m'])) # update total batch count env['k'] = new_k logger.debug('Update total batch count: k = {}'.format(env['k'])) # update processed sample size env['n'] = new_n logger.debug('Update processed sample size: n = {}'.format(env['n'])) # reset batch counter env['d'] = 0 env['d^*'] = 10 # increase test counter env['b'] += 1 # recalculate non-spaced batch means env['Y_j(m)'] = _compute_nonspaced_batch_means(env) else: # insufficient data: sample to processed larger than available data logger.debug("Insufficient data.") logger.debug("New batch size: m = {}".format(new_m)) logger.debug("New total batch count: k = {}".format(new_k)) logger.debug("New processed sample size: n = {}".format(new_n)) logger.debug("Available data points: N = {}".format(env['N'])) error_msg = ("N = {} data points available, need n = {}".format( env['N'], new_n )) if continue_insufficient_data: logger.error(error_msg)"Insufficient data -- user request to continue") env[NSKART_INSUFFICIENT_DATA_KEY] = True else: raise NSkartInsufficientDataError(error_msg) logger.debug('Post-step 4 environment: {}'.format(env))'Finish step 4') return env def _step_5a(env, **kwargs): """ Perform step 5a of the N-Skart algorithm Parameters ---------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) Returns ------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) """'N-Skart step 5a') # Skip first w observations in the warm-up periods env['w'] = env['d'] * env['m'] # Number of approximately steady-state observations is available to build a # confidence interval env["N'"] = env['N'] - env['w'] # Reinflate batch count to compensate for the total number of times the # batch count was deflated in successive iterations of the randomness test. env['k'] = min( math.ceil(env["k"] * (1.0 / 0.9) ** env['b']), env['k'] ) # compute a multiplier to use all available observations env['f'] = math.sqrt(env["N'"] / env["k'"] / env['m']) # update count of truncated, nonspaced batch means env["k'"] = min(math.floor(env['f'] * env["k'"]), 1024) # update batch size env['m'] = math.floor( env['f'] * env['m'] if env["k'"] < 1024 else env["N'"] / 1024.0 ) # update length of warm-up period such that the initial w observations are # the only unused items in the overall data set of size N env['w'] += env["N'"] - env["k'"] * env['m'] logger.debug('Post-step 5a environment: {}'.format(env))'Finish step 5a') return env def _step_5b(env, **kwargs): """ Perform step 5b of the N-Skart algorithm Parameters ---------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) Returns ------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) """'N-Skart step 5b') # Recompute the truncated, nonspaced batch means so that there is no # partial batch left at the end of the overall data set of size N env['Y_j(m)'] = ( env['X_i'] [env['w']:] .reshape((env["k'"], env['m'])) .mean(axis=1) ) logger.debug('Post-step 5b environment: {}'.format(env))'Finish step 5b') return env def _step_6(env, **kwargs): """ Perform step 6 of the N-Skart algorithm Parameters ---------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) Returns ------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) """'N-Skart step 6') # compute the grand average of the current set of truncated, nonspaced # batch means env[NSKART_GRAND_AVERAGE_KEY] = env['Y_j(m)'].mean() # compute the sample variance of the current set of truncated, nonspaced # batch means env[NSKART_SAMPLE_VAR_KEY] = env['Y_j(m)'].var(ddof=1) # compute the sample estimator of the lag-one correlation of the truncated, # nonspaced batch means env[NSKART_SAMPLE_LAG1_CORR] = ( ( (env['Y_j(m)'][:-1] - env[NSKART_GRAND_AVERAGE_KEY]) * (env['Y_j(m)'][1:] - env[NSKART_GRAND_AVERAGE_KEY]) ) .sum() / env[NSKART_SAMPLE_VAR_KEY] / (env["k'"] - 1.0) ) env['A'] = ( (1. + env[NSKART_SAMPLE_LAG1_CORR]) / (1. - env[NSKART_SAMPLE_LAG1_CORR]) ) logger.debug('Post-step 6 environment: {}'.format(env))'Finish step 6') return env def _step_7(env, confidence_level=ONE_SIGMA, **kwargs): """ Perform step 7 of the N-Skart algorithm Parameters ---------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) Returns ------- env: dict The persistent algorithm environment (parameters and variables) """'N-Skart step 7') # compute spacer number such that spacer size is the smallest multiple of m # not less than the final size of the warm-up period env["d'"] = math.ceil(env['w'] / env['m']) # number of spaced batches env["k''"] = 1 + math.floor( (env["k'"] - 1) / (env["d'"] + 1) ) # compute spaced batch means # FIXME: BUG in paper # Sum needs to start at: N - (k'' - j) (d' + 1) m - m + 1 # Until: N - (k'' - j) (d' + 1) m mask = ( np.arange(env['N'] - env['w']) // env['m'] % (env["d'"] + 1) == 0 )[::-1] env["Y_j(m,d')"] = ( env['X_i'] [env['w']:] [mask] .reshape( (env["k''"], env['m']) ) .mean(axis=1) ) # compute grand mean env[NSKART_BATCHED_GRAND_MEAN_KEY] = env["Y_j(m,d')"].mean() # compute sample variance env[NSKART_BATCHED_SAMPLE_VAR_KEY] = env["Y_j(m,d')"].var(ddof=1) # compute skewness env[NSKART_BATCHED_SKEW_KEY] = scipy.stats.skew( env["Y_j(m,d')"], bias=False ) env[r'\beta'] = env[NSKART_BATCHED_SKEW_KEY] / 6 / math.sqrt(env["k''"]) def skewness_adjust(zeta): beta = env[r'\beta'] return ( (np.power(1 + 6 * beta * (zeta - beta), 1 / 3) - 1) / 2 / beta ) env['G(zeta)'] = skewness_adjust env['L, R'] = np.asarray( scipy.stats.t(df=env["k''"] - 1) .interval(confidence_level) ) env['CI'] = ( env[NSKART_GRAND_AVERAGE_KEY] + env['G(zeta)'](env['L, R']) * math.sqrt(env['A'] * env[NSKART_SAMPLE_VAR_KEY] / env["k'"]) ) logger.debug('Post-step 7 environment: {}'.format(env))'Finish step 7') return env